We are proud to announce that ARTA has received the 2020 Canadian Nonprofit Employer of Choice™ Award (NEOC). The NEOC award recognizes non-profit organizations that have committed themselves to become better managers of both financial and human resources. As an award recipient, ARTA stood apart for our leadership qualities, reputation, the strong relationship between management and employees, and the personal enjoyment our staff feel in coming to work every day, even while working from home.
ARTA previously received this award in 2017, 2018, and 2019 and we are thrilled to be recognized for the fourth year. Being recognized for our positive and healthy work environment is a badge of honour, one we will continue to work hard to maintain going forward.
2020 was a year full of challenges and significant transitions for ARTA, but also a year of tremendous growth. To be acknowledged with this award shows me that we have the right priorities in place as we continue to expand our organization. Thank you to the ARTA board, associated committees, and staff for your hard work, resiliency, and positive attitudes over the last year. You are what makes ARTA such a special place to work, and what allows us to offer such incredible service to our members.
–Daniel Mulloy, CEO
Thank you to the NEOC judges for recognizing ARTA’s hard work and dedication to our employees for the fourth year in a row. We look forward to maintaining and even expanding upon our positive workplace culture in the year to come.