Committees and Trusts
Since its inception in 1963, a large part of ARTA’s success is a result of the work of volunteers from its many branches who serve on ARTA’s Board of Directors and Committees.
ARTA's Board of Directors is made of the president of each of our 18 regional branches; an elected president, vice president, and treasurer; ARTA's past president; and the elected chairs of each of ARTA's standing committees. The Board meets at least four times a year to discuss ARTA's policies and procedures, to approve changes to benefit plans, plan budgets, and to discuss many other operational procedures and changes.
Operational tasks and planning are further delegated to ARTA's standing committees, which meet prior to every Board meeting to handle specialized tasks.
There are two types of committees:
- Standing Committees with indefinite terms, and
- Ad Hoc Committees which have definite terms, usually lasting one year.
All committee members are elected each year at ARTA’s Annual General Meeting in October and are accountable to the ARTA Board of Directors and the AGM.
Depending upon the number of members in any particular committee, members serve for between three and six years. The committee may also have a non-voting consultant who is usually the past committee chair and who may be approved at AGM for the purpose of continuity.
Each committee elects its own chair who serves for one year. It is through the tireless work and dedication of these volunteers that much of ARTA’s business gets done.
The Executive Director or designate along with one officer usually attend Committee meetings as non-voting ex-officio members. There are seven Standing Committees of ARTA.
ARTA's Board of Directors and Standing Committees operate using the defined set of ARTA's Policies & Procedures, a link to which is below.
ARTA's Policies and Procedures
ARTA Board of Directors — Briefing Notes
These briefing notes serve as the highlights from ARTA Board of Directors Meetings. Some items and names have been left out either because they are considered confidential or are not items that can be shared at this time. These briefing notes do not serve as the official minutes of the meeting. If you have questions or concerns about any of the information contained within the notes, please contact the CEO & Executive Director.