ARTA’s branch activities offer social connectedness.
Branch activities vary across the province. Their common goal provides an avenue for retired teachers to remain in contact with their colleagues, enjoy meals, benefit from speaker presentations, assist at Teachers’ Conventions, encourage and participate in community volunteerism, and most of all, have fun.
It is not necessary to be a branch member to be a member of ARTA, and it is not necessary to be an ARTA member to be a branch member. ARTA encourages our members and retired teachers (not yet ARTA members) to become branch members for their enjoyment and to strengthen our whole association. Retired teachers can join a branch of their choice; they are not restricted to the division where they were employed. If there is not a branch within easy access of their residence, a branch may be formed with a minimum of 25 members.
ARTA branch members are encouraged to contribute to our news&views magazine, which provides current information on activities and concerns. ARTA’s website also invites branches to contribute articles and/or links. Please contact the ARTA office in Edmonton.
From our branches, we welcome and accept volunteers to serve as delegates at our Annual General Meeting where policies are established. The volunteers serve on our Association’s important standing and ad hoc committees. For example, volunteer participation has contributed to negotiations for our ARTA Health and Benefits insurance plan, to approaching the provincial government to re-examine our pensions, and to serving on committees to grant scholarships to relatives of our members who attend post-secondary institutions. Branch volunteers also serve on committees supporting the Alberta Teachers’ Association in an attempt to improve the province-wide quality of education. From improving the conditions for children in poverty to senior citizens’ concerns, branch volunteers are providing their knowledge, skills and time.
Branch Grants
ARTA Branches may be eligible for special grants to help with new and successful initiatives for membership growth and support. The key elements to consider are new activities or programs large or small that will attract new members or enhance the experience of current members of your branch. The financial assistance may provide opportunities not previously available at the branch level.