Did you know, five million Canadians met the criteria for having a mental health disorder in 2022? But of that five million, one in three reported being unable to meet their needs for mental health services. Further, sixty per cent stated a need for more counselling than they received.1
More than anything, the Alberta Retired Teacher’s Association (ARTA) wants to advocate for its members and help you to feel as supported as possible, whether it is in your physical health needs or mental health. Struggling with mental health issues can feel difficult and overwhelming, but finding help shouldn’t be.
Introducing GreenShield Health! GreenShield Health is a unique, digital mental health platform that will help you connect with qualified therapists within a couple of days after signing up.

In recent years there have been many trials and studies proving that virtual therapy can be just as effective as traditional in-person therapy, if not more effective.2
ARTA Extended Health Care benefit plan members are eligible to receive up to five hours of individual counselling and five hours of couples' counselling annually, per person. Health coaching, life/transition coaching, and financial/legal services are also available. Once you have used up your hours of complimentary services, appointments cost an average of $90 per hour and are eligible for reimbursement through ARTA's paramedical practitioner coverage.
Upon signing up, you will be prompted to complete a personalized questionnaire so that you can be matched with a therapist who is a good fit for your unique mental health concerns and preferences. These questions ask you about your feelings from the past couple of weeks, give you statements to respond to, confirm previous diagnosis, life stressors, and more.
Use the following links to begin your journey with GreenShield Health:
Primary Plan Members: login through your myarta.net account, then navigate to Coverage & Claims, and then Health Services.
Spouses & Dependants: login to the ARTA Virtual Care portal here.
You will require a microphone and camera to ensure your care provider can hear and see you. Most cellphones or tablets include these features.

Fun Facts
A Swiss psychiatrist named Hermann Rorschach developed the test known as the Rorschach Inkblot test. The test is supposed to identify and reflect parts of your unconscious personality by using visual stimulation.3
Although there are ten standardized Rorschach inkblots used to this day, Andy Warhol created his own set of visuals in 1984. Funnily enough, Warhol was under the impression that patients created their own inkblots during appointments for psychologists to decode, when it’s the other way around.
“I thought that when you went to places like hospitals, they tell you to draw and make the Rorschach tests. I wish I’d known there was a set," Warhol-- explained.4

1 – Statistics Canada, https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/75-006-x/2023001/article/00011-eng.htm
2 – Inkblot, https://us.inkblottherapy.com/faq
3 - National Library of Medicine, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7077865/
4 – Museum of Modern Art, https://www.moma.org/collection/works/79749
5 – Huffington Post, https://www.huffpost.com/entry/warhol-rorschach-test-mistake_n_717312

With over nine years of administration and customer service under her belt, Sydnie is thrilled to bring her experience to ARTA and expand her knowledge in the world of health benefits. She is passionate about giving a voice to those who need it in this world. When she is not working, you can often find Sydnie curled up on the couch with a good book, a cup of coffee, and her cats.