Benefit Plan Trust Fund

The ARTA Benefit Plan Trust Fund was established to oversee the investment of the ARTA Retiree Benefits Plan reserve funds according to an approved Statement of Investment Policy and Procedures (SIPP).

The Board of Trustees is composed of six elected members. An election for replacement members for those who have completed a three-year term is held at the May ARTA Board of Directors meeting.

The Trustees engage the services of a professional investment manager to invest the reserve funds as determined by the SIPP. The invested funds are monitored by the Trust and the lead investment manager reports to the Trustees either by personal representation or by conference call at each quarterly meeting of the Board of Trustees.

The Board of Trustees also engages an independent Investment Consultant who presents a performance evaluation of the investment manager and the various investment strategies. Upon the advice of the lead investment manager and/or the Investment Consultant, the Trustees may instruct the lead investment manager to make adjustments to the investment portfolios as long as the instructions as found in the SIPP are followed.

Two Trustees are elected by the ARTA Board of Directors in May of each year and are appointed to the Trust Board for a period of three years. A call for nominations for Trustees from the ARTA Nominations committee is made in the spring before the May meeting of the ARTA Board of Directors. For information on how to let your name stand for election to the Trust Board, contact the ARTA office.

Arlene Purcell
Arlene Purcell


Sharon Vogrinetz
Sharon Vogrinetz


Eileen Johnston
Eileen Johnstone


Ernest Clintberg
Ernest Clintberg


Juanita Knight
Juanita Knight


Gary Hoffart
Gary Hoffart


Deb Gerow


Daniel Mulloy


Gary Sawatzky
Gary Sawatzky


ARTA Benefit Plan Trust Fund Portal