Strategic Plan
Introduction to the Plan
The development of the Strategic Plan 2021 to 2025 is the result of the inspiration, commitment and contribution of many people dedicated to the success of the Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association (ARTA). Thanks are extended to ARTA members and staff and, in particular, to the ARTA Board of Directors and the Strategic Planning and Advocacy Committee.
The 2013 to 2016 and 2017 to 2020 ARTA strategic plans laid the foundation for a bold and inspiring future for ARTA. These plans were comprehensive and forward-looking documents that recognized and built upon the values and strengths of ARTA. These plans responded to trends and issues in the environment at the time and set projections for the future. The strategic plan for 2021 to 2025 uses those initial foundations and guides ARTA toward its 2025 vision. It lays out the broad picture of the services and operations for the well-being of current and future members, for others in retirement, and for like-minded organizations.
The strategic plan is ARTA’s foundational document upon which other plans will be built. This document continues to guide ARTA as it translates its vision into action. It details the continued development — and previous success — against performance measures and provides further insight into our successes or the opportunities we have to achieve our vision.
ARTA Strategic Plan - 2020 to 2025
ARTA Strategic Plan - 2017 to 2020
ARTA Strategic Plan - 2013 to 2020
The strategic plan for 2021 to 2025 will move the organization from where it has been, to into the future.
From the classroom and beyond, the Alberta Retired Teachers’ Association and its members are linked by a common purpose — to ensure a healthy, active, engaged and vibrant lifestyle after retirement. We are all part of something special, a bond that unites us and our community. Membership in the association facilitates the continuation of fellowship in our profession that now extends into retirement.
ARTA is a vibrant association. Our membership of retired educators and like-minded professionals is engaged and informed; the true strength behind our association is the passion of these members.
ARTA and its members have an enhanced quality of life; healthy, active members enjoy the benefits of being a member of our association. The broader community also benefits from the work ARTA has done in ensuring personal wellness. ARTA and its members have a unified voice. Issues that affect our current and future members are understood and our opinions are expressed and promote action.
ARTA’s Strategic Goals and Outcomes
The strategic goals were initially developed to outline the direction that ARTA would take from 2013 to 2020 to achieve its vision, direct long-term planning, and help set priorities for the delivery of services and programs. Outcomes are short-term, describing the desired accomplishments under each goal for the five-year period of 2021 to 2025.
Member Services
ARTA fosters vibrant, engaged, and informed members
ARTA is a member-centred organization, proactively identifying the needs of its present and future membership and providing information about programs and services to meet these needs.
Outcomes 2021 – 2025
- ARTA is a resource centre for its members and the branches, providing information about ARTA and its services, as well as links to other sources.
- ARTA utilizes sound research and data to determine the needs and interests of its current and potential members.
- ARTA is knowledgeable about the services and resources available to meet the needs and interests of its current and potential members.
- ARTA provides the most comprehensive insurance and benefit programs to meet the needs of its members through effective administration and solid partner relationships.
ARTA promotes a healthy, active and enhanced quality of life for retired people
ARTA is a leader and advocate in the promotion of wellness for retirees. ARTA develops and implements strategies to enhance the quality of the life of its members and retired people in the community.
Outcomes 2021 – 2025
- ARTA provides a forum for stakeholder groups to address, coordinate and evaluate wellness activities.
- ARTA coordinates the identification of needs related to wellness for its members.
- ARTA coordinates and facilitates an action plan to address current wellness needs as identified.
- ARTA provides a system for communicating, maintaining and promoting wellness activities within the association.
ARTA ensures that a unified voice is heard on issues affecting current and future retired individuals
ARTA is an effective advocate for its members and retirees with similar interests and concerns. ARTA is recognized as a valued and respected spokesperson on behalf of its members and those in the broader community.
Outcomes 2021 – 2025
- ARTA’s board members and staff and appropriate branch representatives are knowledgeable and skilled in advocacy.
- ARTA is strategically linked with its branches, retiree groups, and government agencies to acquire information and to establish a unified voice.
- ARTA has well-researched and articulated positions on the most important issues affecting retired teachers and other retirees.
- ARTA supports the cause of education and the teaching profession in Alberta.
Organizational Excellence
ARTA nurtures leadership, encourages communication, recognizes achievement and embraces sustainability.
ARTA is an effective, ethical and transparent organization that provides services, resources and advocacy in the pursuit of and engaged lifestyle after retirement for its members. ARTA is recognized as an employer of choice by the business and non-profit community in the province of Alberta.
Outcomes 2021 – 2025
- ARTA operates an infrastructure of communications tools to ensure the accurate, timely dispersal of information to its members.
- ARTA’s board members, staff and appropriate branch representatives are offered opportunities for continued education and skills training to succeed in their roles.
- ARTA has a sustainable model for operations, governance, fiscal planning and human resources that is adaptable for fluctuations in capacity and continued membership growth.
- ARTA provides strong leadership for staff, the branches and members through its CEO and Executive Committee.