Where Needed Most: Housing, Health Care, and ESL

If you’ve donated to the Alberta Retired Teachers Charitable Foundation (ARTCF) before, you know your money is being used to help support Alberta seniors in the areas of housing, health care, and English as a second language education. But have you ever wondered who, specifically, has been benefiting from your generous gifts? Here are some of the organizations who have been active partners of ARTCF over the last year:
Parkinson Association of Alberta uses ARTCF funding to help run tele-support groups, enabling those with Parkinson’s disease and Parkinson’s Plus Syndromes to connect, receive advice, and express solidarity with others across the province.
Alzheimer Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories has used ARTCF funding to run Minds in Motion, a program designed to provide regular mental stimulation to those with early to mid-stage Alzheimer’s disease.
Alzheimer Society of Calgary, with help from ARTCF, runs caregiver education sessions and public education events to make life easier, not just for those with Alzheimer’s but for their loved ones as well.
Operation Friendship Seniors Society provides safe and affordable housing for seniors in Edmonton’s inner city, and funding from ARTCF helps them maintain and develop their facilities.
Do you know of an Alberta-based registered charity that helps seniors in the spheres of housing, health care, or English as a second language education? Send them an ARTCF grant application.