ATA Library Resources - Wellness & Financial Wellness Resources

The ARTA Wellness committee and ARTA Financial Wellness committee have contributed a number of books to the Alberta Teachers’ Association professional library to assist both active and retired teachers to pursue their wellness improvement goals.
To borrow materials, you will need to create a library account by signing in to the library’s website ( with your ATA online account (there is a login link in the upper right corner of their page). If you don’t have an ATA online account, you can create one by selecting the login link, clicking the ‘Request an Account’ button and completing the online forms. Once you have logged in to the library page, your library account is created and you can request up to twenty items at a time.
The library is happy to mail out materials to both active and lifetime ATA members for a one-month loan. They will mail materials to your residence and include a prepaid return postage for you.
You can request materials in three ways:
- By ordering materials online by visiting the ATA Library site at, or by phoning the main number for the ATA (780- 477-9400 or 1-800-232-7208) and requesting the library;
- By dropping by the ATA Library (located in Barnett House at 11010 – 142 Street, Edmonton) during regular business hours; or
- By contacting an ATA librarian at [email protected] to request a search on a specific topic.

30 Lessons for Living
(305.260973 P641)
Pillemar, Karl. Detroit, MI: Thorndike Press, 2011
This book is a compilation of interviews with seniors from 65 to 100 plus. These ‘experts’ provide advice on a variety of topics based on their life experiences.

Spring Chicken: Stay Young Forever (Or Die Trying)
(613.2 G458)
Giffon, Bill. New York, NY: Grand Central Publishing, 2015
A humorous, yet informative discussion of how extended longevity is impacting both individuals and society.

Active Ageing with Music
(Call Number TBD)
Andrea Creech, Susan Hallam, Maria Varvarigou, and Hilary McQueen Stylus Publishing, 2014
There are three main sections in the book. Each section deals with aspects of the social, emotional/mental, and physical health benefits of being involved in music.

Stayin’ Alive: How Canadian Baby Boomers Will Work, Play and Find Meaning
(305.244 A215)
Adam, Michael and Amy Langstaff . Toronto, ON: Viking, 2010
This book provides a detailed discussion of how the Boomer generation is changing the world!

Aging Wisely, Strategies for Baby Boomers and Seniors
(613.0438 L665)
Lavine, Robert A. Lanham, NY: Rowman & Littlefield, 2014.
In his latest book, the author maintains that our physical health is tied to how we approach life. Simply put, the better we feel about ourselves, the better we age.

Stress Management and Longevity
(613.0434 M121)
McConatha, Jasmin Tahmaseb. Indianapolis, IN: Meyer and Meyer Sport, 2014
This book addresses the relationship between longevity, aging and stress. Stressors specific to later life are identified and coping mechanisms are suggested. The book emphasizes the importance of physical and social activity and the healing power of nature.

Being Mortal
(616.029 G284)
Gawande, Atul. Toronto, ON: Doubleday Canada, 2014
A practicing surgeon’s perspective on medicine and its impact on how we live and how we die.

The Cure for Everything: Untangling the Twisted Messages about Health, Fitness and Happiness
(613 C371)
Caulfield, Timothy. Toronto, ON: Viking, 2012.
Practical advice on diet, exercise and miracle cures.

Debt-Free Forever
(332.02402 V369)
Vaz-Oxlade, Gail, Toronto, ON: HarperCollins, 2009.
Debt–Free Forever will serve as a roadmap to getting out of debt, with carefully detailed plans, and the author’s unfailing support to help readers get to the right destination.

The Happiness Advantage
(158.7 A178)
Achol, Shawn. Toronto, ON: Random House Canada, 2010
The author provides seven principles of happiness to help improve productivity and performance in our lives.

Don’t Worry, Retire Happy: Seven Steps to Retirement Security
Hegna, Tom, AZ: Tross Press, 2015.
You’ll find the steps to happiness with long life.

The Laughing Boomer: Retire from Work, Gear Up for Living
(646.79 S616)
Sinclair, Mahara. Vancouver, BC: Autumn Publications, 2010.
The author presents research to support her premise that good health is our number one retirement asset! The book is written for Baby Boomers and is a guide to an enriched retirement.

Get Rich with Dividends
(332.63 L699)
Lichtenfield, Marc, Hoboken, NJ: J. Wiley & Sons, 2012.
You’ll discover the keys to identifying stocks that will return twelve per cent or more every year, and how to structure your investments for greater security and financial well being.

The Retirement Boom
(306.380973 A425)
Allen, Catherine; Bearg, Nacy J.; Smith, Jaye; Foley, Rita. Wayne, NJ: Career Press. 2016
Baby Boomers are reinventing retirement just as they have so many other aspects of their lives. They will live longer and be healthier than their parents and grandparents, and they plan to remain relevant, be fulfilled, and leave legacies.

How Much is Enough?
(332.024 M111)
McCurdy, Diane (Diane Lynn). Mississauga, ON: John Wiley & Sons Canada, Ltd., 2013
This hands-on resource demystifies financial planning by giving the Enough number: an exact figure specific to personal goals, which can be a target number to aim for in retirement.

The Ultimate TFSA Guide: Strategies for Building a Tax-Free Fortune
(Call number TBA)
Pape, Gordon, Toronto, ON, Penguin Canada, 2010
Gordon Pape, a Canadian financial author, gives a primer on how tax-free savings accounts should be the foundation of every Canadian adult’s plan for financial independence.

How to Eat an Elephant
(332.024 W654)
Wiginton, Frank, Toronto, ON: J. Wiley & Sons Canada, 2012.
With practical, easy-to-understand guidance, this book will show you how to reduce your debt and save on interest; improve your understanding of personal finance basics and gain new confidence; reduce stress and anxiety about your money; and use powerful online tools to organize all your financial information.

The Untethered Soul
(153 S617)
Singer, Michael A. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications, 2007
Based on Yogic philosophy, this book offers a way to explore spirituality by freeing yourself from your thoughts.

If Money Could Talk
(332.024 M129)
McConechy, George A. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2017.
George McConechy tackles the subject of money in the context of real-life situations: aging parents, divorce, blended families, market meltdowns, children who don’t leave home (or who come back with babies in tow), health challenges, real estate mistakes, golden handshakes, business opportunities — just to name a few.

Wealthing Like Rabbits
(332.024 B879)
Brown, Robert R.. Ajax, ON: Redford Enterprises. 2014
Wealthing Like Rabbits is a smart, accessible, never-boring romp through personal finance that you will count as one of your best investments ever.

In Our Prime: The Fascinating History and Promising Future of Middle Age
(305.244 C678)
Cohen, Patricia. New York, NY: Scribner, 2012.
This thought-provoking book discusses the impact of living in a youth-oriented society. The author traces the history of the concept of aging and describes how it has been shaped by scientists, businessmen and entertainers.

When I Die: Financial Planning for Life and Death
(346.71052 D911)
Duncan, Garry R.. Toronto, ON: Carswell. 2017
When I Die is an essential tool to help you minimize the costs that may arise on your death and understand the financial impact of dying. It can be used as a guide to facilitate the organization of your estate while you are still alive and act as a source of information for your loved ones after you depart.

Is Gwyneth Paltrow Wrong about Everything?
(306.4 C372)
Caulfield, Timothy. Toronto, ON: Viking, 2015.
In this easy-to-read book, the author identifies and debunks popular myths about health, diet and beauty.

Worry-free Money: The Guilt-free Approach to Managing Your Money and Your Life.
Shannon Lee Simmons, Collins, 2017
Worry-free Money begins with the idea that “life is messy and expensive and never follows the rules” and that everything can feel like a need rather than a want.

Living Beautifully with Uncertainty and Change
(294.3444 C545)
Chodron, Pema. Boston, MA: Shambala Publications, 2012
This book provides an overview of the Buddhist perspective on life.

Younger Next Year; Live Strong, Fit and Sexy until you’re 80 and Beyond
(613.04234 C953)
Crowley, Chris and Henry S. Lodge. New York, NY: Workman Publications. 2007
A breakthrough book (particularly for men) which draws on the latest research on aging.

New Rules of Retirement
(332.024 M157)
MacKenzie, Warren; Hawkins, Ken. Toronto, ON: Collins. 2008
The financial advice industry — including banks, mutual fund and insurance companies — has a vested interest in our hard-earned savings. Industry advisers are constantly warning us that we may not be financially prepared for retirement. And, feeling anxious about our future, we become convinced that it’s a good idea to let them handle our money.

Your Retirement Income Blueprint: A Six-Step Plan to Design and Build a Secure Retirement
(332.024 D537)
Diamond, Daryl. Toronto, ON: Milner & Associates. 2015
Concern about retirement income and finances is running high for anyone approaching the final years of their working life. The concern is not unfounded. A long period of historically low interest rates which impacted the return on investments, the 2012 changes by government to the Canada Pension Plan, predictions of another recession and increasing government debt have all combined to create a perfect storm of economic uncertainty. If you can see retirement on the horizon, uncertainty is not what you want.

Retirement Income for Life: Getting More Without Saving More
(332.024 V591 2018)
Vettese, Fred; Oakville, ON: Milner & Associates Inc. 2018
The book takes the anxiety out of decumulation, which can be both complex and psychologically difficult.