Are Those Micro Frustrations Actually Hearing Loss In Disguise?

Are those micro frustrations actually hearing loss in disguise?
You might assume that the first sign of hearing loss would be not hearing well, and of course that’s true. But what you’re more likely to notice before you realize the true source of the problem, is being annoyed. A lot.
That’s because hearing loss usually impacts your daily life in small, subtle and potentially very irritating ways at first.
The first signs of hearing loss
You might have difficulty following group conversations, especially when background noise is present, like at restaurants or family gatherings. Talking on the phone might be frustrating because the person on the other end of the line never seems to be speaking clearly enough. Maybe you’re starting to accuse everyone of mumbling and have to ask people to repeat themselves all the time. You might even have trouble figuring out where sounds are coming from (which makes finding the cell phone that’s slipped down the couch extra difficult), and wonder who keeps turning the TV down way too low.
It may seem like a lot of situations are annoying and a lot of people are doing things you find particularly irritating – when in fact the problem lies with you.
It’s not your fault, of course. Hearing loss can be caused by any number of things. Excessive noise exposure, injury, hypertension, viral infections, wax buildup, genetics, aging and ototoxic drugs can all contribute to hearing loss.
But it doesn’t mean there’s nothing you can do about it. In fact, if you suspect you’re experiencing hearing loss, make sure to talk to your doctor and see a hearing healthcare professional to get checked out. Because while hearing loss can be treated (usually with the use of hearing aids), hearing can’t be restored – so never wait if you suspect you are having difficulty hearing.

Improve your quality of life
Being annoyed all the time is bad enough, but hearing loss can cause other, more serious complications.
As Hellen Keller once said, “When you lose your sight, you lose touch with things. When you lose your hearing, you lose touch with people.”
Not being able to hear the world around us can make us choose to retreat from it, which can eventually impair the brain’s ability to process sound and speech over time. Your memory can become impaired, your risk of dementia can increase, your mental sharpness may decline, and you’ll feel left out of the lives of the people you love and the world you once enjoyed.
There is no reason for this to happen when there are steps you can take to improve your hearing.
The very first step is recognizing that you might have a problem. The second is doing something about it.
Hearing loss isn’t always obvious, but if you suspect it might be impacting your everyday life, it makes sense to take advantage of a free, comprehensive hearing assessment and a free, 30-day hearing at trial at a HearingLife clinic near you.
HearingLife forms the largest network of hearing clinics with over 400 network clinics across Canada. Staffed by certified hearing healthcare professionals, HearingLife offers the most advanced hearing aid technology and up-to-date diagnostic equipment, as well as clinical support and exclusive 360-AfterCare. #LoveYourEars and visit HearingLife to book an appointment for your free trial today.